The Works - A Complete List of WhackoCardsThe cards highlighted in green are upcoming free cards. The non-higlighted cards will be release at future dates. ThingsOde to the Louisiana Snowball Stand Ode to "You Don't Send Me Emails Anymore" Thank You for the New York Potholes Thank You for the Bottled Water Thank You for the Baseball Game Ode to the National Felon League Thank You for My Gastric Bypass Thank You for the Beanie Babies Thank You for the Class Action Lawsuit Thank You for the Democratic Primary Debates Thank You for the Fatal Mars Shuttle Thank You for the Louisiana November Elections Thank You for the Napster Site Thank You for the Self Help Book Thank You for the Skinny Fast Diet Thank You for the Sunday New York Times Thank You for the Telephone Answering Menu Ode to Word perfect Number Nine Thank You For the Arab Spring #2 Thank You for the New School Year Sorry To HearSorry to Hear Your Firestone Tires are Being Recalled Sorry to Hear About Our Catastrophic National Debt Sorry to Hear About Your Low S.A.T. Scores Sorry to Hear About Your Vanishing 401K Sorry to Hear There Won't be an NBA Season Sorry to Hear Your Are Attending Law School Sorry to Hear You Are Being Deported Sorry to Hear You Are Unemployed Sorry to Hear You Have Filed Chapter Eleven Sorry to Hear You Got Caught Hiking in Iran Sorry to Hear You Have Received a Whackocard Sorry to Hear You Were Ripped Off by Ebay Sorry to Hear You Were Wiped Out by a Drone Sorry to Hear Your Name Was On the No Fly Files Sorry to Hear You Recently Fell Off the Fiscal Cliff Sorry to Hear Your Dinner Was Genetically Modified Sorry to Hear Our Government Got Shutdown Sorry to Hear You Were Seen Using the Transgender-Free Bathroom Sorry to Hear You are Being Tried as an Adult Sorry to Hear You Fell Asleep during the World Series Sorry to Hear You have the Change in Life Sorry to Hear About Our National Obesity Crisis Sorry to Hear You are Attending Medical School Sorry to Hear You are Having P.M.S. Sorry to Hear You are on Jury Duty Sorry to Hear You Booked an Italian Cruise Sorry to Hear You Don't Have Health Insurance Sorry to Hear You Fell Asleep While on Air Traffic Control Sorry to Hear You Got Screwed at the Gas Pump Sorry to Hear You Got Trampled During an Egyptian Soccer Match Sorry to Hear You Got Shot 41 Times Sorry to Hear You Lost Another Secret Hard Drive Sorry to Hear You Missed Your Connecting Flight Sorry to Hear You Were a Government Bail-out Sorry to Hear You Were Seen Wearing a "Hoodie" Sorry to Hear Your Credit Card Has Been Revoked Sorry to Hear Your DNA Didn't Match Sorry to Hear Your Pain Pill Clinic Was Shut Down Sorry to Hear Your Mother Filmed an Anti-Terrorist Movie Sorry to Hear You Booked a Cornball Cruise Sorry to Hear You Bought Another AK-47 Sorry to Hear the Government Couldn’t Balance the Budget Sorry to Hear the Pope is Resigning Sorry to Hear How the Secret Service Got Serviced Sorry to Hear You are in a Same Sex Marriage Sorry to Hear the IRS Cannot be Accounted For Sorry to Hear You Burned Your AARP Card Sorry to Hear Your Name Got Trashed on FaceBook Sorry to Hear Your Uncle Joined Al Qaeda PeopleOde to Yasir "That's My" Arafat Thank You for the New York Tankees Ode to the All-American Attorney Ode to the Animal Rights Activist Ode to Yo Ho Yo Ho - A President's Life for Me... Thank Your for the New York Police #1 Thank You for the Personal Injury Lawyers Thank You for the Tobacco Lawyers Thank You for the New York Police #2 Ode to the Television Repair Man Thank You for the American Truckers Special OccasionsGotta Get You Outta My Life #1 Gotta Get You Outta My Life #2 Gotta Get You Outta My Life #4 Gotta Get You Outta My Life #3 Thank You for the Dinner Date #2 Thank You for the Dinner Date #1 Thank You for Deadbeat Father’s Day PlacesThank You for the Bigmart Store Thank You for Mein Summer Kamph Ode to the Carnegie Kosher Deli Ode to the Modern 21st Century Bar Thank You for the 21st Century Beauty Salon Thank You for the Louisiana Daiquiri Shop |