Greeting Cards for the 21st Century!


1-Thank you for Miss Manners
2-Ode to the Misery Channel
3-Sorry to hear you got caught hiking in Iran
4-Sorry to hear you were wiped out by a Drone
5-Thank you for Mein Summer Kamph
6-Ode to the Mexican restuarant
7-Thank you for the Big Mart store
8-Sorry to hear there won’t be an NBA season
9-Thank you for the Arab Spring
10-Sorry to hear you received a Whackocard




Sorry to Hear How the Secret Service Got Serviced

Sorry to hear how the Secret Service got serviced
The furtive protocol has gotten me nervous
I know now where my tax dollars are secretively going
Paid and trained to protect our democratic nation
The boys are stressed, they deserve some recreation
Tax money, figuratively spent, for a good blowing

For overseas babes, it is nothing at all to scoff
Every secret service agent, needs a little time off
Everybody wants to be a James Bond
Strict guidelines, one needs to compel
What’s a few minutes in a foreign motel
There are plenty of fish, for sale in the pond

Foreign babes are numerous, too many to count
Show them your badge, a Secret Service discount
Time to drop false formalities and pretenses
Risking your life, the job does entail
She’s just an informant, enjoy a little foreign tail
Just include it in your everyday expenses

Prostitutes are trustworthy, a sordid affair they won’t leak it
After being paid in full, it becomes a tight secret
A night of great sex, with a delicious tortilla
Taxpayers are pissed, though only one small faction
They are jealous, they have to pay for their action
Agents come home, with a touch of gonorrhea

Brazil streets are bustling, the future is not bleak
Girls getting ready, it’s officially “Secret Service Week”
Billboards announcing their imminent arrival
The crowds are cheering, taxis blowing their horns
Women are propositioning, outside green garden lawns
Secret Service, needed for Brazil’s economic survival

Sorry to hear how the Secret Service got serviced
Obama is upset, not at all a reservist
Cleansing the U.S. image, takes time to devote
Obama is fuming, his anger is blatant
Obama secretly wishes, he was a Secret Service Agent
Too bad Brazilian women can’t vote

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