Greeting Cards for the 21st Century!


1-Thank you for Miss Manners
2-Ode to the Misery Channel
3-Sorry to hear you got caught hiking in Iran
4-Sorry to hear you were wiped out by a Drone
5-Thank you for Mein Summer Kamph
6-Ode to the Mexican restuarant
7-Thank you for the Big Mart store
8-Sorry to hear there won’t be an NBA season
9-Thank you for the Arab Spring
10-Sorry to hear you received a Whackocard




Thank You for Obama Care #2

Thank you for “Obama Care”
The lawyers are starting to laugh
In your kneecap was a little slight tear
Lawyers applauding, your hospital acquired, resistant Staph

You kept up your premiums faithfully
“Obama Care” now seems to have been a ruse
Your toe was finally amputated, mercifully
Although your policy, was not considered “Meaningful Use”

We worried about the number of un-insured
Nancy Pelosi lectured us, assuring Obama’s needed vote
Affordable insurance we were falsely all assured
Now we are all partners, in this non-insured, sinking boat

Inexpensive insurance gave the taxpayers a thrill
Obama provided us visual entertainment
He dulled our senses with his appealing “Stimulus Bill”
“No insurance for you, sorry, it is called “Cost Containment”

Your cardiogram’s results were electronically specified
Your heart needs an operation, to fix clogged little pieces
“Obama Care’s” final bill will leave you horrified
Blood pressure will rise, as your insurance premium increases

You saved for years, family health care was well provided
You did not need “Obama Care” to treat you like a fool
As the cost rises, decreased quality care coincided
Find your ass in an expensive, high risk carrier pool

“Obama Care” will now make it explicitly fair
One by one, each insurance company will eventually fall
It’s a master stroke, watch the insurance industry go broke
It will be fair, no insurance for us all

Like locusts they will swoon to the local emergency room
Electronic Medical Records, watch docs document for hours
By the time it’s your turn, with no bowel left there to burn
Use the EMR, to send your abused loved one, some flowers

Who cares if you are rich, the EMR will make you twitch
“Obama Care”, pretends dearly, to be your friend
Obama’s resolve is firm, hope his presidency is just one term
Our elected officials, appear, to have screwed up once again

So hold on to your socks, there is no free Botox
“Obama Care” is rigid, consists of rules that will stick
All it will take, a government induced, bad headache
With “Obama Care”, you better pray, you don’t get sick

As confidence in Congress eroded, health care cost exploded
“I feel so much better, our President has spoken”
As lawyers continue medical suing, what is Obama doing?
Our courts, along with health care, is terminally broken

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