Greeting Cards for the 21st Century!


1-Thank you for Miss Manners
2-Ode to the Misery Channel
3-Sorry to hear you got caught hiking in Iran
4-Sorry to hear you were wiped out by a Drone
5-Thank you for Mein Summer Kamph
6-Ode to the Mexican restuarant
7-Thank you for the Big Mart store
8-Sorry to hear there won’t be an NBA season
9-Thank you for the Arab Spring
10-Sorry to hear you received a Whackocard




Thank You For the Arab Spring #2

Thank You for the Arab Spring again
The thought of peace is never distasteful or loony
A greeting card made of gunpowder, sent from a friend
To blow up an Iraqi Shiite or Sunni

Go to pray at an Iraqi, religious retreat
Wind up face down, dead, in the gravel
A suicide bomber is never complete
A car bombing is the only way to travel

Springtime brought the urgent sense of feeling good
Each thought an optimistic solution
Spring was time to terminate the Muslim Brotherhood
Everybody enjoys an Egyptian Springtime execution

Rioting in the street will never grow old
Their grandparents had an Arab springtime of their own
For countless Springs this story has been told
God Bless our Middle Eastern, Bullet Ridden, Home

The Libyan Dictator, was known for his brutality
The discovery of Springtime, finally was found
The Libyan people expressed their indebted sincerity
By blowing up of the U.S., Benghazi, Compound

Despite the endless futility, there was no security
Spring arrived a week too late
Hilary has spoken, another promise has been broken
She allowed the Barbarians to enter the Gate

In Damascus today the future is bright
During the Spring equality laws have been passed
Put down your grenades, there is no need to fight
Your friends already, have been gassed

The Israelis watch, they stare in awe
Springtime brings the Israelis no favors
During the Spring, they don’t know what is in store
When you have Whacko countries, for your neighbors

So thank you for the Arab Spring again
Lock up all their leaders in the penitentiary
It’s the Spring and I am sure peace will, finally attend
It just won’t attend, in the Spring of this Century

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