Greeting Cards for the 21st Century!


1-Thank you for Miss Manners
2-Ode to the Misery Channel
3-Sorry to hear you got caught hiking in Iran
4-Sorry to hear you were wiped out by a Drone
5-Thank you for Mein Summer Kamph
6-Ode to the Mexican restuarant
7-Thank you for the Big Mart store
8-Sorry to hear there won’t be an NBA season
9-Thank you for the Arab Spring
10-Sorry to hear you received a Whackocard




Sorry to Hear the IRS Cannot be Accounted For

Sorry to hear the IRS cannot be accounted for
Their trite explanation was feeble and tardy
Another incompetent government entity to abhor
They were not invited to the community Tea party

Fair and impartial, an IRS title is prestigious
Facing a problem, they never would ignore it
The CEO was relentless; ambitiously litigious
Cross her path and receive a nasty, IRS Audit

Obama pleaded ignorance, “The fines will be stiff
This is terrible, let’s name all the defendants”
Lois Lerner just smiled, contemptuously pleading “The Fifth”
Its easy to lie, when you rely on our Fifth Amendment

Lavish spending was seen at the latest IRS blast
The tab paid, another needless taxpayer expense
Obama’s frugal White House, family trips in contrast
Watch sly Obama, always seen wiggling, on the fence

Isn’t it a pity, we need an overseeing committee
The IRS has no direction, conscience or soul
Comprehension is quite hard, all their civic duties to disregard
It’s an obvious mess, the cherished IRS, is out of control

Sorry to hear the IRS cannot be accounted for
Its time to send the current tax code to the scrap heap
Another obsolete function, retired to American folklore
Break up the IRS, to let Americans, can get their needed sleep

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