Greeting Cards for the 21st Century!


1-Thank you for Miss Manners
2-Ode to the Misery Channel
3-Sorry to hear you got caught hiking in Iran
4-Sorry to hear you were wiped out by a Drone
5-Thank you for Mein Summer Kamph
6-Ode to the Mexican restuarant
7-Thank you for the Big Mart store
8-Sorry to hear there won’t be an NBA season
9-Thank you for the Arab Spring
10-Sorry to hear you received a Whackocard




Sorry to Hear You Were Seen Wearing a "Hoodie"

Sorry to hear you were seen wearing a “Hoodie”
In a split second you became an Oldie but Goodie
Found face down on a lawn
Race relations has raised the ante
“Make my Day” for a vigilante
You disturbed the sleeping neighbors, before dawn

For this neighborhood, it was the wrong dress code
Now you are decked out, in a lead bullet load
Next time, please wear a tuxedo
The vigilante’s questions were answered all wrong
He wasn’t impressed by you singing a Rap Song
You should have stayed with your Skittles in Toledo

The entrusted vigilante had something to show
The brain in his head, never had the opportunity to grow
What he learned was from late night T.V.
He rose to the occasion, with a gun and a Scotch
“There can’t be a crime”, not on his “Watch”
A tragedy in the making, no doubt, eventually

It had to occur, they had to cross paths
Teenager dressed as a thug, meets an obsessed sociopath
A polite discussion, each participant would refuse
What was the cause? Can it be blamed on his race?
Was it the “Hoodie” that was covering his face?
Watch Nancy Grace spew it out, all on the news

Talking Heads will dispute this, questions will linger
Each town has a vigilante, a friendly gunslinger
Peace will come when everybody is hugged
The Liberal is insistent, society is to blame
Profiling is horrific, call it by every vile name
The Liberal is a Conservative, if he/she gets mugged

The world was aghast at this vicious attack
What would have happened if the shooter was black?
Tucked away in the back of the Sport Section
The world was trembling, no chance of ignoring
A good story must incite, cannot be one boring
Then blame it on, inadequate, police protection

News promoting a race riot, this isn’t a first
The public loves violence, an insatiable thirst
911 tapes, who was the person doing the screaming?
Scramble the facts, many versions to be played
Lawyers are excited, there is money to be made
With every witness, the story takes on new meaning

Sorry to hear you were seen wearing a “Hoodie”
Shooting an unarmed man is the vigilante’s duty
It’s no fun, if each one carries a gun
If you meet someone filled up in hate
Its not the time to initiate a lively debate
It’s the time, to pick your ass up, and to run

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