Greeting Cards for the 21st Century!


1-Thank you for Miss Manners
2-Ode to the Misery Channel
3-Sorry to hear you got caught hiking in Iran
4-Sorry to hear you were wiped out by a Drone
5-Thank you for Mein Summer Kamph
6-Ode to the Mexican restuarant
7-Thank you for the Big Mart store
8-Sorry to hear there won’t be an NBA season
9-Thank you for the Arab Spring
10-Sorry to hear you received a Whackocard




Thank You for Miss Manners

Thank you for Miss Manners
Reading your daily column makes me throb
I’ve contemplated modification behavior
I want to stop acting like a slob

Miss Manners I need your guidance
How to grip a fork and hold onto a knife
You can trust my total compliance
I’ve been a barbarian all of my life

I will study manners diligently for hours
My social graces apparently never did exist
A warm friendly smile was never in my powers
My slovenly ways still unfortunately persist

Miss Manners Help!, vital training is indicated
You need not be a sleuth
I’ve been a fan of yours since you have been syndicated
But I am still undeniably uncouth

In my ear wax grows, I constantly pick my nose
I’m always rubbing my bloodshot eyes
In restaurants I burp, Earl Gray tea I do slurp
You can say I’m not very civilized

I walk real slouched, On Mondays I’m a real grouch
Fridays I drag, my chronic lethargic ass
Make me spectacular, I’m tired of being Count Dracula
I’m just begging for one small ounce of class

My thoughts are lewd, to long time friends I am rude
My dress code is one horrid sight
My vulgarity is getting worse, I incessantly curse
Miss Manners! Please make me polite!

So thank you for Miss Manners
Please send me your instant manners kit
I’ll memorize all your daily planners
Ass I want is some plain old etiquette

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