Greeting Cards for the 21st Century!


1-Thank you for Miss Manners
2-Ode to the Misery Channel
3-Sorry to hear you got caught hiking in Iran
4-Sorry to hear you were wiped out by a Drone
5-Thank you for Mein Summer Kamph
6-Ode to the Mexican restuarant
7-Thank you for the Big Mart store
8-Sorry to hear there won’t be an NBA season
9-Thank you for the Arab Spring
10-Sorry to hear you received a Whackocard




Thank You for the New York Police #2

Thank you for the New York Police
They will kill you will their compassion and their kindness
Their inner city attitude will surely never cease
An edict by King Rudy, known as “Your Highness”

If you fit the criminal description
Or remotely act the part
Better to start a new life completely sedentary
The police will add a few chambers
To your once vibrant heart
Reserve a slot in the now crowded cemetery

A club on your head
Or a stick in your ribs
Is the typical, New York cheerful cop greeting
Earn an diet of lead
With a mouth full of fibs
Get treated to a free, Madison Square Garden, brutal beating

The police fraternity
Swells with self-serving pride
Find more pricks than on a tall Texas cactus
It will only take a New York second
To be sentenced and tried
You will be volunteered for their afternoon target practice

King Rudy is known to be fair
Equal opportunity to sit on the electric chair
The police department continuously draws enthusiastic elation
You have nothing at all to fear
His motives are always quite sincere
Fifty years have been set back in sensitive race relations

No need for tears of atonement
It’s another tragic Kodak moment
One can die from getting too much police protection
King Rudy manages to keep on smiling
Although dead bodies keep on piling
After all, it’s time for the Senatorial election

Too many cadavers have dropped in
Here comes the Reverend Al Sharpton
Tawana Brawley will never deny it
This needless additional futility
Will lead us to an explosion of hostility
What New Yorkers need is another, good knockdown, race riot

So move out to New York soon
Find out who’s buried in Grant’s Tomb
Take a leisurely ride on the immaculate New York Subway
For the price of a subway token
Watch all the homeless get their bones broken
Another casualty, who rubbed the rabid cops, the wrong way

With enthusiasm beyond containment
Laying sunny-side up on the clean city pavement
Your red corpuscles will be exiting in mass confusion
The wrong “Walk or Talk”, police make you feel inhibited
When you are shot then politely ticketed
Get treated to an Empire State, Big Apple, transfusion

So thank you for the New York City Police
The safest city, in the world, anywhere
Thank you for the courageous New York City Police
Visit me, in Mt. Sinai’s, Intensive Care

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