Greeting Cards for the 21st Century!


1-Thank you for Miss Manners
2-Ode to the Misery Channel
3-Sorry to hear you got caught hiking in Iran
4-Sorry to hear you were wiped out by a Drone
5-Thank you for Mein Summer Kamph
6-Ode to the Mexican restuarant
7-Thank you for the Big Mart store
8-Sorry to hear there won’t be an NBA season
9-Thank you for the Arab Spring
10-Sorry to hear you received a Whackocard




Thank You for Our Politicians

Thank you for our politicians
They are better defined as “Frolic-Ticians”
Elected by their public to guide and lead us
They are here first to amuse, then out to bleed us

Elected in their youth, then re-reelected until octogenarians
Lives completely uncouth, Rome governed by wild barbarians
Our leaders amazingly defective, each one worse then the next
Their good intentions involve power, money and casual sex

Abe Lincoln once the standard, intelligence and honesty the rule
Today we get to pick, from a crowded defective, genetic pool
When did we last respect our leaders?, very hard to remember
We deserve our cast of clowns, greeted yearly in November

Here’s to Actor Ronald Reagan, the White House was his goal
He played the perfect cowboy, the presidency his ultimate role
As wife Nancy aimlessly stared, the cowboy bit his upper lip
The “Great Communicator” spoke, from a written, western script

The cowboy won an Emmy, for eight years did he ride
The Gipper deregulated the banks, inviting vultures come inside
He rode tall up in the saddle, trading arms secretly to Iran
He sealed a lasting legacy, leaving us lovely, Alan Greenspan

Reagan provided a service, provided security & needed tranquility
Reagan adeptly proved, he can be president with a touch of senility
Today he is revered, “The good old days” a term that is fair
Especially to the Bozo’s, he’s the best when you compare

Here’s to Jimmy Carter, elected for his smile and whitened teeth
His platform was one of sincerity, but nothing was underneath
An agent for the terrorists Hamaas, a self-delusional worm
The American public grew tired, out he went after only one term

Our embassy hostages in Iran, Jimmy still remained all smiles
The cars could not run, gas lines lined up for many miles
With tears misting in our eyes, in our throat one big lump
We fondly remember Old Jimmy, like we cherish Forest Gump

Here’s to ebullient Bill Clinton, thoughtful voters made no bones
Bill campaigned tirelessly, to Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones
Bill in troubled times, paced up and down the White House floor
He also searched the White House, for another room to score

Here’s to Arnold Schwarzenegger, the terminator displayed
Not an ounce of common sense, to terminate his chambermaid
Arnold flexed his biceps, but was smart enough to grip
To let the secret out, only after his gubernatorial Californian trip

Here’s to David Vitter, a family man fully respected
His friends were in a call girl service, in Louisiana your re-elected
With only a little chuckle, the Louisiana voters again were hooked
David got all the male votes, sharing his precious, little black book

Here’s to Senator John Edwards, a presidential nominee
Used his campaign funds, enticing illicit, raunchy, lewd company
A former ambulance chaser, whose experience perfected the lie
Duped the gullible public, in a four hundred dollar, haircut and tie

Here’s to Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House aims to please
Her logic from a brain, comprised of molded, old Swiss Cheese
Nancy is the darling, a San Fran liberal to the core
Praised the Obama Care plan, reading from CliffNotes on the Floor

Here’s to President George Bush, whose grin you’d like to smack
Wasted taxpayer’s money, looking for weapons, in seedy Iraq
Bush the unlucky president, idle Democrats just loved to hate
We suffered eight long years, there was no other, viable candidate

And finally came Barak Obama, no experience could he claim
Excelled in simple sentences, being black his only known fame
Our healthcare an Obamanation, the deficit now tied to Obama
He will be re-elected, the John Wayne who shot Osama

Tip your jock strap to Anthony Weiner, to nobody’s deep regret
It was visibly the most seen Weiner, exposed on public internet
Hailed by New York voters, on Facebook he found his place
We got introduced to his testicles, but continues to hide his face

Weiner faced T.V. cameras, a Weiner tall and quite erect
Sadly without support a Weiner, does not generate respect
So every Weiner does, what every Weiner must
Weiner went for Viagra therapy, and Anthony Weiner bit the dust

So thank you for our politicians
The Americans should be so proud
We should take them with our lovable lawyers
Under a comfortable, mushroom shaped cloud

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