Greeting Cards for the 21st Century!


1-Thank you for Miss Manners
2-Ode to the Misery Channel
3-Sorry to hear you got caught hiking in Iran
4-Sorry to hear you were wiped out by a Drone
5-Thank you for Mein Summer Kamph
6-Ode to the Mexican restuarant
7-Thank you for the Big Mart store
8-Sorry to hear there won’t be an NBA season
9-Thank you for the Arab Spring
10-Sorry to hear you received a Whackocard




Sorry to Hear You Were Wiped Out by a Drone

Sorry to hear you have been wiped out by a drone
You sent one too many texts on your Apple Iphone
You should have used old fashioned pen and paper
The time has come for your turban head to roll
You took too long of a peak from your sordid rat hole
It’s the bottom of the ninth for your last, Jihad Caper

You were let down, you must now confess
Not protected from your Walmart GPS
A delightful drone was directed, straight, up your ass
Your logic misconceived, you thought you were all able
Five hundred miles away, blown up like a Pac-Man table
At least you had left us exiting, macho first class

You felt safe and secure, sleeping in your own home bedding
Dreaming of sugar plum virgins, after a tasteful beheading
Plotting a Jihad against, those with a sin
Although you left with a bang, it could have been harder
You left in your P.J.s , but you left as a martyr
Next time watch the sky, instead, of Gone With Wind

Your years as a terrorist has taken its toll
There is no marble monument, just a ghastly big hole
Your sandals filled with eager young replacements
Distorted myths these students will learn
The drones will be polished, it will soon be their turn
To get blown up and receive, a final, resting placement

You hid behind children, a sign you were brave
The drone managed to find you, though you hid in a cave
You could have been a star, even, a New York politician
You rose in the ranks, became a real hot potata
A real poster boy, the glamour star of Al Quada
Sorry the drone left nothing for, the bored mortician

It was very difficult to keep your hands on the wheel
Receiving a needed Fleets enema, consisting of steel
We all applauded when the feces, hit the fan
We watched every moment, you would come and would go
You provided us with laughs, like a video game show
The end of safe haven for you, in downtown, Pakistan

Sorry to hear you have been wiped out by a drone
A better choice would to have you stayed home alone
You have received a totally different point of view
You had talent, looks, with a charismatic flair
I approved of your magic act, disappearing in thin air
The drone is the newest recipe, for Taliban Stew

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