Greeting Cards for the 21st Century!


1-Thank you for Miss Manners
2-Ode to the Misery Channel
3-Sorry to hear you got caught hiking in Iran
4-Sorry to hear you were wiped out by a Drone
5-Thank you for Mein Summer Kamph
6-Ode to the Mexican restuarant
7-Thank you for the Big Mart store
8-Sorry to hear there won’t be an NBA season
9-Thank you for the Arab Spring
10-Sorry to hear you received a Whackocard




Sorry to Hear Your Firestone Tires are Being Recalled

Sorry to hear your Firestein Tires have been recalled
I read about your untimely hazardous plight
On top of Grandfather Mountain, your Ford Explorer stalled
You turned left, but your tires turned your right

Kicking the tires couldn’t expose the defect any faster
Your life was hanging, by a loose manufactured thread
Now up to your neck, you wear a suit of fine plaster
For ten months, you’ll be confined to your bed

Hold back the tears,
The problem has been known for many years
Confidence in the tire industry has irreversibly been eroded
Flat on my back I was stiff
After visiting the other side of the cliff
Being deposited, when my Firestein, suddenly exploded

The improper design eluded detection
Whatever became of consumer protection?
After all, you must die sooner or later
The disease is now systemic
Let’s declare an acute tire epidemic
The cure, is calling Guru, Ralph Nader

Inferior rubber they needed to trim
Rather than losing your right lower limb
The CEO drives a Porsche, and isn’t a bit worried
Covered up nicely in every state
An American Tire Watergate
Sixty-two ex-drivers, have been decorated, medaled and buried

Safety is all within your divine power
As long as your drive below fifteen miles per hour
The charges for years have been vehemently denied
The story makes one instantly throw-up
So does the sound of another Firestein blow-up
Firestein has taken, the American driver, for a wild ride

So grab onto your sacred clutch
The next turn won’t hurt as much
The tire industry deserves the wrath of American scorn
You just can’t beat the exotic feel
Of losing control of the steering wheel
Every car part now, makes a noise except for the horn

The tire design we would drop it
But it would cut deep into our corporate profit
See our sexy tires, adorning your little red Corvette
So take a browse in our show-room
In the graveyard there’s more leg-room
While playing a game of highway, Russian Roulette

So sorry to hear your Firestein Tires are being recalled
It’s time for my weekly, Sunday cruise
You have nothing to fear, start racing in fourth gear
It say so, in the Firestein financial, daily news

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