Greeting Cards for the 21st Century!


1-Thank you for Miss Manners
2-Ode to the Misery Channel
3-Sorry to hear you got caught hiking in Iran
4-Sorry to hear you were wiped out by a Drone
5-Thank you for Mein Summer Kamph
6-Ode to the Mexican restuarant
7-Thank you for the Big Mart store
8-Sorry to hear there won’t be an NBA season
9-Thank you for the Arab Spring
10-Sorry to hear you received a Whackocard




Sorry to Hear About Our Catastrophic National Debt

Sorry to hear about our catastrophic national debt
Our fiscal obligations can no longer be met
Pragmatism along with wisdom is now an obscurity
Congress is down on its bended knees
As our job market has shifted to distant overseas
Sayonara to your years of Social Security

Minimal wage was deemed fair game indeed
Without a job market, there certainly was no need
With binoculars, observe massive work force migration
Join the union, be revered for your guts
Go out on strike, don’t accept their peanuts
Be proud of our Third World, bankrupt nation

Praise the wisdom and deeds of our fine government
Every poor soul rightfully deserves, a rich entitlement
It says so in our sacred constitution
Chinese merchandise seems so appealing
Don’t hit your head, on the low fiscal debt ceiling
Raising middle class taxes, is the callous solution

“Sacrifice” is Obama’s one and only pitch
If you have a current job, you are now considered rich
Our country’s finances are all out of order
Politicians promise anything to rise in the poll
Democrats stay in office, enticing the swelling welfare roll
While encouraging illegals, to enter South of the Border

The sleepy public doesn’t care about fiscal intrigue
Placate the peasants, with the National Football League
What does it matter, it’s a trillion dollar financial hole?
No lawyer or doctor, but a banker from the Ivy League class
The peasants, third and one, pray for a miracle forward pass
Watch Chinese ads, during the next Super Bowl

The bankers were prepared, they covered their tracks
Tenacious Lehman Brothers, the devious Goldman Sachs
Meet Ben Bernake, the latest full time professor
Bankers shake your hand, then offer you a cheap loan
Default on your mortgage, as they re-possess your town home
Taught by Alan Greenspan, Ben’s dismal predecessor

On the brink of default, the economy starts to teeter
The peasants are concerned, about the hitting of Derek Jeter
You lost your job but gained another hideous tattoo
Subscribe to Netflix, prolong your visceral enjoyment
Watch episodes of South Park, collect your unemployment
Our Federal Reserve, has the visions of Mr. Magoo

Congress is pointing fingers, nobody accepts the blame
Peasants hold their breath, for the “Decision” of Lebron James
Democrats and Republicans will never be chummy
Listen attentively, the President has spoke
“We have run out of entitlements, the country is broke”
Obama read, “Fixing National Debt, for Dummies”

Congress will face, the voter’s vicious November wrath
Congress couldn’t pass ethics, they flunked high school math
Can these Bozos deal with this threat?
Meeting all day, no progress detected
These clowns have one goal, it is to be re-elected
No wonder, we are three trillion deep in debt

Sorry to hear about our catastrophic National Debt
This government is done, the next one will be better yet
All we can do is but to try
Our economic news is sad to report
Along with the jobs, our senators we should also export
Our capital building, should be moved to Shanghai

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